Locks on Growtopia #105

Growtopia have an Item named "Lock" where Lock has Different Use for a Different Lock, and Lock have So MANY Type of the, an i will explain them in Here, and i will just explain some of them because GT (Growtopia) have so MANY Locks, so i will just explain some of them.

#1 Small Lock

Small Lock is the MOST Cheaper Lock that can protect Block to 10 Tiles, Just it & Small Lock can be buy with 50 Gems on Store.

#2 Big Lock

Big Lock is a Lock that can protect Block to 48 Tiles, it little more expensive than Small Lock, but it's worth it :), Lock can be buy with 200 Gems on Store.

#3 Huge Lock

Huge Lock is a Lock that can protect Block up to 200 Tiles!!! and many people use this Huge Lock to make "Break Box" OR "Help Box", Huge Lock can be buy with 500 Gems.

#4 World Lock

World Lock is the most Common Lock in Growtopia, where World Lock can Protect THE WHOLE WORLD if you put World in your Lock, and World Lock can be buy with 2.000 Gems,

World Lock is very Common on GT (Growtopia) and World Lock used as Money on GT.

#5 Diamond Lock

Diamond Lock is a 100 World Locks Merge to 1 Lock, and can't be buy with Gems, and Diamond Lock still have the same use as "World Lock" but more Expensive & Cooler when place in your World xD.

#6 Blue Gem Lock

Blue Gem Lock is commonly called as BGL, is a 100 Diamond Locks Merge to 1 Lock, and can't be buy with Gems,

and Blue Gem Lock Usually used to buy expensive World like maybe 2 Letter & 1 Letter World Because it's Really Really REALLY Rare on Growtopia, oh and BGL Usually used to... Flex. Yeah.

#7 Emerald Lock

Emerald Lock still has the same use as "World Lock", BUT, Emerald Lock can make your World more... Lucky?, so when you Place Emerald Lock on your World, you will have a Chance to have more gems by breaking something. Emerald Lock is Usually used when make BFG (Break For Gems) World.
